A lot of people choose a credit card over a debit card and this is because a debit card does not offer you something that is basically a loan that you can take out and repay over and over again. A debit to me is more convenient and easy to get but when it comes to credit it is more than a debit because you can have spare money if you need it.
I think some people just get a credit card and do not pay it back because it is hard to do so when the economy is so bad right now. Some people have no intentions of paying it back at all and do not care if their credit goes bad because of it.
If you are going to apply for a credit card then you should make sure you have better than perfect credit because it does not seem easy to get one without this. I have applied to several places and can not get one no matter what I do or how many I try.
There is a credit card that has just came out and they charge you such a high annual percentage rate that I can not imagine having to pay the money back because it is like paying back over double the amount that you have used on your card.
There are some cards that they make more exciting, like the one that you can put your favorite picture on. There are some that you can get that have no limit to how much you spend and this is for people with perfect credit and it usually only applies to celebrities and people who have businesses, of course they still have to have very good credit to get these cards.
If you are a person with credit that is not so good then you should stick to a debit card. At least with a debit card you do not get any charge unless you have an over draft through the bank. This in turn will save you more money because you wont have to pay the annual percentage rate.
IF you apply for a credit card, you should always try to find the best one for you. Not only one that has a great and low annual percentage rate but one that has cash back as well. Yes, there are cards that offer cash back depending on how much you spend and where you spend it.