Reports of feeling stressed about money are on the rise. Given everything going on in the world, adding one more stressor can really take a toll on your mental health.
We all know worrying solves nothing, so while it won’t fix everything, here are a few simple steps you can take to relieve some of the pressure. Plus, in the process of easing stress, you might gain a little more control of your finances and improve your overall outlook.
1. Start working towards an 880+ credit score
Picture having an 880+ credit score. Near financial perfection. A score that unlocks the opportunity to get any loan or credit card you want. A score that ensures you’ll pay the lowest rates, and save tens of thousands, over the years.
Poor credit makes it harder to break out of a financial rut. Always paying more in interest and being denied the best deals.
Improving credit is not as difficult as many think and doesn’t require a high income. With Monese’s Credit Builder it’s as simple as installing the app and following instructions.
Monese Credit Builder helps build your credit history and savings for an improved credit score, better value loans and access to other Monese credit products for a secure, financial future. Plus, you’ll get a mobile money account that you can set up in minutes with access to contactless payments, budget tracking and instant payment notifications.
2. Get control of your retirement in a simple, graphed-out plan
A recent study found 56% of responders lose sleep thinking about retirement. The good news is the better people feel about retirement, the more sleep they get.
You might think the difference between those losing sleep, or resting peacefully, depends on how much they’ve already saved, right? Turns out, that’s not the case. Money isn’t enough to ease retirement stress. The biggest difference was found to be those who had a plan and those who didn’t. It’s the uncertainty driving panic.
That’s where RetireEasy shines. It’s the UK’s most powerful independent retirement planning tool. It’s easy to use and lets you take control of your finances.
RetireEasy uses a quick 7-step guided process that brings together all savings, pensions and assets. It also takes into account future inflation and taxation changes. Then it shows you, in graphs and charts, how to plot and plan your finances right through retirement.
You can even see how changes you might make could affect your retirement plan.
We suggest trying their Classic plan for £5.99 per month to unlock the bulk of useful features.
3. Cancel your car insurance
Want some bad news? You could be wasting £290 a year on high-priced, overrated car insurance that isn’t any better than a cheaper alternative.
Only thing to do is cancel your car insurance right now and get something better, or just as good, but costs less.
Quotezone has a new tool that can tell you if you’re paying too much for your car insurance. It only takes a few clicks.
On average, most people could save £290 a year.
It’s free to use, and if you’re looking to save or justify a purchase, having an few extra hundred pounds in your pocket is hard to argue with. Especially since it only takes a few minutes.
See if you’re overpaying at Quotezone
4. Relax, fall asleep faster, and rest deeper
Changing your financial condition won’t make you feel better overnight.
You know what can? A good night’s rest. People who struggle to sleep have been shown to have higher level of stress-inducing chemicals.
Restflix is a streaming service designed to help users fall asleep faster and stay asleep through the night. It uses a proven technology called binaural beats to harness the brain’s responsiveness to sound and help create a meditative, restful state.
Restflix offers unlimited video and audio with no interruptions, helping you to overcome insomnia, night-time anxiety, and hit each day with greater energy and vigor. And it looks like it delivers what it claims. Restflix has earned perfect 5-star ratings on both the Google Play Store and App Store.
Use code “rest20” to save 20%.